2018年7月23日,在新加坡举行的国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)世界大会上公布了2018国际大学生景观设计竞赛入围奖名单,西安建筑科技大学华清学院风景园林14、15级本科生团队(指导老师:赵艺源、李畅,团队成员:马杨昀玥(14级)、易雪慧(15级))作品《The self-healing method to natural disasters and ecological deterioration in the urban sections, Wei he River, Shaanxi province》同北京林业大学、西安建筑科技大学、天津大学、西南交通大学、华中农业大学和苏州大学等国内一流高校的学生作品一起分享此殊荣。我院是全国开设风景园林专业的众多独立学院中首个获得国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)入围奖的独立学院。
IFLA国际学生景观设计竞赛(IFLA International Student Design Competition)由国际景观设计师联盟(IFLA)主办,每年举办一次,在IFLA世界大会(IFLA World Congress)期间公布获奖作品,是全球最高水平的景观设计学专业学生设计竞赛。此次竞赛的主题是“Biophilia City, Smart Nation and Future Resilience”,意在通过比赛让学生思考“弹性”一词,思考在面对自然灾害或是过度城市化带来的负面影响时,景观该如何展现应对方式。
Project Title: 《The self-healing method to natural disasters and ecological deterioration in the urban sections,Weihe River,Shaanxi province》
Author(s): Ma Yangyunyue,YI Xuehui
Adviser(s): Zhao Yiyuan ,Li Chang
Institution: Xi`an University of Architecture and Technology Huaqing College
The urban area of southern Wei River is an important corridor for flood control and drainage in Weinan City. As a seasonal river, floods occur frequently in summer, and shortage of water is severe during the dry season. Currently, the water is badly polluted and contains large portion of sediment.
How to solve the effect of sediment deposition in landscape?
How to mitigate and prevent the impact of floods in the reconstruction and construction?
Flood resolution strategy:
1.Excavation of two continuous wetland forests, turning the "Project Water" into "ecological";
2.Construction of tributary wetland system, dredging the flood and silting water;
3.Introduction of wetland production, to construct an infrastructure system instituted of “ecological channel + fields + ponds + forest network”;
4.Based on the present status of the site boundary, a series of design guidelines are put forward, with the core issue as softening bulkhead and the restoration of the tidal flat wetland. The original defective hard embankment will be replaced with the sand dune with the sand fixation plant. Elastic interface is used to cope with tidal changes
At the same time, The remnants of shells and mud snails in the site are used to promote the silting tetrahedron through the Simple Engineering Technology Guide, to promotes the natural work, and utilize the tidal accumulation ability to facilitate thesediment to gather into the island, so as to shape the change abundant natural habitat.